TIPS Software Features

Remote Monitoring

Reliable Remote Monitoring

TIPS Pro Plus and TIPS for Android software allow system status to be monitored real-time via a centralized server.

Remote Device Monitoring

Monitor the devices on your kiosk for functionality and proper working order.

Remote Diagnostic Assistance

Authorized users can request a DynaTouch remote diagnostic assistance session from the kiosk to help resolve technical issues.

Remote Reboot

Remotely reboot a system on demand.

Detailed Troubleshooting Logs

Verbose logging of events allows for troubleshooting problems.

Detailed Device Inventory

System information and detailed devices available.

Hardware Alerts

Email or text alerts for selected hardware / printers.

Remote Management Dashboard

The TIPS Kiosk Management Portal dashboard gives a snapshot of system health for kiosk network, and links to other administrative functions.

Get Started Today

Discover how DynaTouch can help deliver and integrate TIPS Kiosk Management Software for your Self-Service kiosks and devices.

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